
Major Projects Data Sources

Our major projects database relies solely on publicly accessible data sources, with the exception of Government of Alberta projects. These sources include electronic media, news outlets, construction journals, financial reports, building permits, development permits, developers/architects/general contractor websites, construction tenders, among others.

Project Location

Projects are listed according to their address, when available. In cases where no precise location is available, we display the nearest population center. We represent the project's geographic location using the CSD (census subdivision) area.

Estimated Cost

Our major projects database includes projects with a capital cost of $5M or more. The estimated costs of major projects are based on the information sources we use and may not always be consistent. We revise the cost estimates when credible new information becomes available. All cost estimates are recorded in millions of dollars.

Start and Finish Dates

We only display major projects that are a maximum of two years away from beginning construction. However, projects that typically take longer for regulatory approval may be included in the database if ground-breaking is projected to occur beyond two years (such as energy projects). Start and finish dates for proposed projects are based on estimates from our sources or reasonable assumptions. We revise these dates as new information becomes available.

Project Stage:

We list projects by stage, which indicates the progress of the project. The following are definitions for each project status:

  • Proposed: A project that has been announced or proposed but has not yet started construction. It may still be subject to planning, approvals, financing, and other pre-construction activities.

  • Under Construction: A project that has started construction and is currently in progress. It may include excavation, foundation work, building framing, and other construction-related activities. Completed: A project that has reach substantial completion. Please not completion may not mean the project is open to the public as additional fit out and operational activities may be required.

  • Canceled: A project that has been terminated or canceled before construction or completion. Cancelled projects are explicitly stated by the proponent to be cancelled.

Government of Alberta Major Project Sub-Stage Definitions:

  • Alberta Transportation and Economic Corridors Managed/Developed Projects:

    • Planning: For Roads and Bridges projects that do not have a detailed design underway;
    • Design: For Roads and Bridges projects that are in the detailed design phase and for Capital Maintenance and Renewal projects that have not been tendered; and
    • Construction: For any projects that has been tendered (note: this can be determined when a work activity has a contract number (CON) in PMA-Delivery).
  • For Alberta Infrastructure Managed/Developed Projects:

    • Planning - Lays out the groundwork for the execution of the project’s activities. This process will determine the steps needed to complete the phase and will break the phase down into smaller parts/tasks.
    • Design - Produce a design and working drawings that are fully compliant with the Project Charter.
    • Tendered - Procurement documents for construction services are formally posted.
    • Contract Awarded – The date the contract for construction services is executed.
    • Construction - Produce a built facility that is fully compliant with the Project Charter and contract drawings and specifications.
    • Post Construction - The Post Construction Phase is to ensure that all warranted products and services are documented, warranties collected and administrative procedures completed and included in the appropriate manuals.

Additional Methodology/Disclaimer:

While we strive to provide the most accurate and up-to-date information possible, our major projects database is subject to limitations based on the data sources available. We cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided, and we accept no liability for any errors or omissions. Our database is for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon for decision-making purposes.

In addition, the status of a project can change rapidly due to various factors, including but not limited to, changes in funding, delays in approvals, and unforeseen circumstances. Therefore, the project information displayed in our database may not reflect the current status of a project. We encourage users to verify any information they find in our database with additional sources.

Finally, please note that our database is not an exhaustive list of all major projects in the region and may not include all relevant projects. We make every effort to include all projects that meet our criteria, but we cannot guarantee that we have captured every major project in the area.